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New Meetup: Evanston writing critique meeting

From: David W.
Sent on: Tuesday, August 25, 2009, 8:19 AM
Announcing a new Meetup for The North Side and Evanston Writer's Group!

What: Evanston writing critique meeting

When: September 13,[masked]:30 PM

Borders Books Music and Cafe
1700 Maple Ave
Evanston, IL 60201

Please RSVP as soon as possible.

All are welcome to attend. This is a writing critique meeting. Writers share a piece of their work (i.e. chapter of a novel, short story, play, screenplay, poem, article, etc.) and the people at the meeting share their thoughts. Ideally, participants will provide written comments as well, either by email or on paper.

IMPORTANT: Please read this, about posting files online and bringing paper copies, to the meeting:

Writers may share work in the following ways:

1. Posting in the Files section of the site (If you post on the day of the meeting, please try to bring one or more paper copies as well. To make sure everyone has a chance to read your work, you may want to post by 2 days before the meeting, or have option 2 or 3 as a backup.)
Note: You may share a work as a link. In this case, please post a file containing the link, so that people will find and read your work.

2. Reading the piece aloud to the group

3. Handing out paper copies, for the group to read, during the meeting (You may collect these after the critique, if you wish.)

Feel free to email about any questions or suggestions.

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