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Fw: [The Holding Tent] Deanna Meske

From: Susie L.
Sent on: Saturday, March 16, 2013, 4:50 PM
Sent via BlackBerry by AT&T

From: "Bill Rainey" <notification+oh=[address removed]>
Date: Sat, 16 Mar[masked]:29:55 -0700
To: The Holding Tent<[address removed]>
ReplyTo: Reply to Comment <g+[address removed]>
Subject: [The Holding Tent] Deanna Meske

Deanna Meske "Government Lies" Episodes 2 & 3...
Bill Rainey 4:29pm Mar 16
Deanna Meske

"Government Lies" Episodes 2 & 3

Looking for a Body double for photos (New Orleans)
Casting for a light skinned African American or Hispanic male, prefer very short black hair - 5'11 - 6'3", thin, not much body fat at all, not super muscular, no visible tattoos on back or arms.

This will be a fast shoot, we need some crime scene photos of our victim only he is out of town so we are looking for you to step in an play a dead body, you will be holding a red t shirt, wrapped in a white towel at the waste, like you were going to take a shower and you will have a knife wound and blood on you.

This is a sag project so sag actors are ok and if you are not sag e, this will be an official sag voucher to add to your folder, you need 3 to be eligible.

Please email clear photos of yourself, cell phone photos are ok,

We do need to see you without your shirt on because you have to match the actor as close as possible. Photos will be taken on Monday or Tue of next week, will need you for about an hour. Thanks.

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