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Re: Auditions Please Put Complete Information: Contact, Compensation, Whether It's Union, Indie, Contest or Student

From: Susie L.
Sent on: Friday, October 17, 2014, 11:02 AM
Yes, Vanessa, we ask to please post this to meetup where posters can see it.

I constantly ask for the compensation-if don't know what pay is put "deferred" or something, because many will not do free unless it is a Student film or contest such as 48; and contact info. to make sure it is legitimate. Post whether it is a Student Film, Indie, Union, etc.

Any posts that do not have whether union, etc., compensation, or contact are ignored. Very important to put union or not, because many only do union or vice versa. Saves time. Thank you for tip.

Appreciate your suggestion, suggestions and tips always encouraged.

Please send to [address removed] .


From: Vanessa <[address removed]>
To: Susie Labry <[address removed]>
Sent: Friday, October 17,[masked]:17 AM
Subject: Auditions

Hey Susie!

Hope this finds you well! I just wanted to make a suggestion; when auditions are posted, they really should include whether the project is union or not. Is there any way to get them to include this?

Thanks either way!

Vanessa Cloke

Sent from my iPhone