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Fwd: Beagle LILLY desperately needs a home

From: Vany
Sent on: Monday, September 8, 2008, 12:03 AM
Hi guys, I am forwarding you an e-mail from Rodin, who came across a beautiful beagle who needs a home.  Please forward to all your friends and open your heart.  Thank you for any assistance you can provide.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: <[address removed]>
Date: Sat, Sep 6, 2008 at 10:53 AM
Subject: Beagle LILLY desperately needs a home
To: [address removed]

Hi Vany -

Here's another case of inexcusable abandonment of a loving pet purely for
selfish lifestyle reasons.  This one hits really close to home because I
personally know the parties involved and because this is the second time
this woman does this.

She had two Beagles: Bella, a "Blue", and Lilly, a tri-color.  She got
pregnant and Bella got dumped.  Got a second child, now probably about  2.
 Now she wants to get rid of the second Dog because "our family dynamic is
not making her happy."

Lilly is a beautiful, healthy, gentle, playful 4-year-old female, spayed,
fully inoculated, all documentation in order.  She is on 9th Street
between University and Broadway.

I would greatly appreciate it if you posted something about her on your
Beagle website and spread the word through your group as well as to anyone
else who might be interested.  Edit as you wish.

I will donate a PUPtrait of her to whoever takes her (  I
have attached a composite image of Lilly for your use.

I will be extremely grateful for anything you can do on Lilly's behalf.
Put me down as contact:

Bob Coane
[address removed]

May the Dogs be with you!

- BC.

"For it is by muteness that a Dog becomes for one so utterly beyond value;
with him one is at peace, where words play no torturing tricks." - JOHN

This email message originally included an attachment.