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Apply for the Reinvent Green Hackathon: June 30 - July 1st

From: Rachel H.
Sent on: Tuesday, June 12, 2012, 2:03 PM

Dear technologists,


The City of New York is excited to announce the official dates and application period for Reinvent Green, the City’s first official sustainability hackathon.


Reinvent Green will take place the weekend of June 30 – July 1st 2012 at NYU-Poly in Downtown Brooklyn. In partnership with Brooklyn Beta and PlaNYC, we encourage developers, designers and sustainability experts to apply and build digital tools and apps that help to make New York a greener and greater.


At the conclusion of the hackathon, participants will have a chance to demo their innovations to the press and compete for prizes, judged by a distinguished panel of experts including Charles Adler of Kickstarter, Jessica Lawrence of the NY Tech Meetup, and Ron Gonen, founder of Recyclebank


To apply, please complete the Reinvent Green Application by June 17th:


We welcome your ideas and questions via email and Twitter, using hashtag #reinventgreen.


Thank you,




Rachel Sterne

Chief Digital Officer


Mayor’s Office of Media & Entertainment

1 Centre Street, 27th Floor, New York, NY, 10007

[address removed]

City of New York | @nycgov




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