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Re: [betaNYC] App for Citibike trips : need help !

From: Chen Chen D.
Sent on: Tuesday, May 6, 2014, 7:00 PM
Hi Carson,

Thanks for your email.
I had a look at CycleAtlanta, very nice app indeed ! 
You're right this is a big drawback of my app, it assumes that you took the shortest bike trip between 2 stations, which is not the true in many cases. I wanted to start with a very light an not resource consuming app, but you're right a GPS tracking feature would be great :)



[masked]:25 GMT-04:00 Carson Farmer <[address removed]>:
Hi Daniel, this looks great! Any thoughts on integrating this with the phone's GPS to allow users to track their trips? This could also be a great way to do something like this:


On Tue, May 6, 2014 at 11:14 AM, Chen Chen Daniel <[address removed]> wrote:

Hi everyone!

I would like to share an Android app that I started to code, it displays basic information on your personal Citibike trips (time, distance/calories estimation). I showed it on my phone to a few of you during last Citibike Hacknight.
Here is a "beta" version I posted on the Google playstore a few days ago:

I would be very happy to get some help to continue coding the app : adding features, integrating new ideas etc.
So if you are a super Android programmer... or a beginner like me ;-) send me an email. I'd love to share my code and work together.

Any feedback on the app is welcome too!

Daniel Chen

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Dr. Carson J. Q. Farmer
Associate Director, CARSI
Assistant Professor
Department of Geography
Hunter College & Graduate Center, CUNY
695 Park Avenue
New York, NY, 10065
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