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How can tech improve traffic safety?

From: user 1.
Sent on: Monday, July 21, 2014, 3:10 PM
Hi everyone,

A friendly reminder to register for this meaningful technology competition to improve NYC traffic safety:

Connected Intersections Challenge, by AT&T $50,000 in prizes, Deadline: September 9 Create smartphone apps, wearable technology, and software solutions that keep pedestrians, cyclists, and drivers safe and alert on New York City streets and in other urban environments. How can the technology community come together to help reduce collisions on busy streets? What can you invent to augment the public’s connectedness to their immediate surroundings while reducing distraction? Applications will be judged by urban transportation experts and tech innovators from AT&T, NYU Rudin Center, General Assembly, and more. Explore resources + register to enter:

If you're interested in participating, check out this research paper (17-page PDF) by NYU Poly that examines smartphone distraction and how recent applications of mobile technologies address traffic safety.

Looking forward to seeing some great applications by betaNYC members!


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