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An announcement from a group member of Greater Boston Cycling...

From: Rob F.
Sent on: Wednesday, October 17, 2007, 9:24 PM

Hi everyone,
This Sunday, Oct 21st, I'm going to go back to Concord and do the entire ride that we tried to do 3 weeks ago. It's supposed to be sunny in Concord, with a high in the upper 60s. [Of course, if that changes to pouring rain, I will not be going.]
If anyone wants to join me, we can meet at 10:30am at Concord Common, which is at the intersection of 2A and 62. Be advised that the ride will be 32 miles, it will be at a faster pace than usual, and with possibly only one stop.
If anyone is interested, please email me at:
See you soon,

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