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Re: [blrdroid] Questions and Answers with Option - Need Suggestion To Achieve this in Android

From: pravin
Sent on: Monday, January 13, 2014, 10:53 AM
Hi Amrit,

Thanks for your reply.
Yes, I have my set of questions in one table and option of each questions in second table with both table have  primary key qt id . and after user response on each qt I will have one user response table to update the records.

so can it be possible to update the answers on directly sqlite db on each qt response instead of storing all answers in HashMap or Array List etc and then dump into database. Which way is more faster? 

And about options - the  view will be dynamic like depends on qt type it should visible the view check box, radio, editText, seekBar etc. How all views to bring dynamic on qt type ?

Thanks in Adv.... You always help full :)


On Sun, Jan 12, 2014 at 2:32 PM, Amrit Sanjeev <[address removed]> wrote:

You'll need to use a view pager for this.. You could store the questions and answers in a sqlite db if they change often and user a pager adapter with a cursor to get the data to the view pager ..

  If you search on Google you'll find plenty of examples for each of these concepts  ..


On Jan 12,[masked]:24 PM, "pravin" <[address removed]> wrote:
Hi All,

I have a requirement for design a screen and implement it.

The requirment is :

I will have 100 questions and with option for each question to answer them.

I want to achieve this with on Swipe next question will appear with options.

Can you please suggest me which way I can achieve and implement this.

You can send any demo link also or any POC also.

Thanks all in adv.



Thanks & Regards
    Pravin Mohol

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Thanks & Regards
    Pravin Mohol

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