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Re: [blrdroid] Possible Reasons for a very basic app not showing in PlayStore (Incompatible)

From: Nirav T.
Sent on: Monday, February 2, 2015, 5:53 PM
Did your friend select any particular devices at the time of uploading the app? This could happen if you select specific devices at the time of app upload.

Thanks and Regards,

Nirav Thakker.

Mob: [masked] | [masked]

On Mon, Feb 2, 2015 at 5:49 PM, Abdul Vajid KT <[address removed]> wrote:

My friend created a very basic app which doesn't use any device sensors or any other hardware. But this app is not shown in playstore from a specific phone (Samsung Galaxy Star), which runs jellybean. The app can be seen from both lower and higher version phones, but not in this.

I personally faced this issue recently multiple times while searching for  few apps in playstore, which doesnt require any phone features. (from Moto E)

What are the possible reasons ? Any help ?

Abdul Vajid

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