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Q&A Assistance

From: Shawn A.
Sent on: Friday, March 23, 2012, 6:42 AM
B'more on Rails:

I'm new to RoR and working to create a task/workflow management application.  A friend of mine was to be assisting me with it, but unfortunately his availability isn't what I'd call consistent, leaving me with a lot more questions than answers as I work to finish the app up.  So I'm looking for someone to sit down with for a few hours (possibly 2-3) to go over existing questions that I have...and I'll gladly pay you for your time.  Simply put, I need someone who knows their RoR stuff.

Please let me know if you are interested and/or have additional questions.  I can be reached at: shawn.arnwine at

Thanks for your time.

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