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Update on tomorrow night's book discussion: Super Sad True Love Story

From: Peter
Sent on: Wednesday, February 18, 2015, 2:03 PM

Hi, I just wanted to apprise everyone about a couple of things for tomorrow night.


One, though the store will be open, I cannot participate because of a work conflict.  I figure at this point you don't need me around to lead the discussion, so unlikely this will be affect the dialogue.  At the very least I should get there before you leave, and can fill everyone in on the next pick.


However, and secondly, you should be aware that the temps are taking a serious dip that evening.  We are trying to better winterize the space, but I can't lie to you--the front area remains extremely drafty.  Being directly on the waterfront means we are buffeted by the harsh harbor winds. If anyone is sensitive to the cold, you might want to check back in a month.  Though you could also view it as training for post apocalyptic power shortages. Take cues from our past novels and dress in layers.


See you soon!

--Peter Miller, Freebird Books


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