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Come to Wednesday's Meeting!

From: Hilary
Sent on: Tuesday, March 18, 2008, 6:02 PM
Haven't read the book? Didn't like or finish the book? Been a member for only a few days? Been a member for months but never been to a meeting? Don't have time to cook a dish? Can't make it on time? Have to leave early?

It's all OK!!!

This is the meeting for you!!!

For the first time, we have space for all of our members to come together. We will be watching the film, so you can participate in discussion even if you didn't read the book. If you aren't able to bring a homemade dish, pick something up from your favorite restaurant or store.

Hope to see you there!

P.S. Don't forget your $5 for the room rental. We will also raffle off a new copy of next month's book to raise funds to cover our expenses, so bring a few extra dollars if you'd like to buy a ticket.

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