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[gdg-boston] 12/17 Free MIT Forum Event: Mobile Wallet Wars and Warriors

From: Jinn K.
Sent on: Sunday, November 25, 2012, 7:33 PM

Hi Folks,

The MIT Forum is hosting an event that is no doubt of interest to Android and commerce developers and people following mobile payments entitled: NFC Circle Event: Mobile Wallet Wars and Warriors.

It will be a panel discussion followed by drinks and networking. The panel has great credentials drawn from the mobile leadership in the payment industry and commerce.

Location: MIT Stata Center, Kirsch Auditorium 32 Vassar Street Cambridge, MA 02139

Jed Rice, VP of Business Development, Paydiant

Sarab Sokhey, Executive Advisor, Verizon

Toni Stinton, Director Strategic accounts, PayPal

John Squire, CMO, CorFire

Prat Vemana, Director Velocity Lab and Mobile, Staples

Mung Ki Woo, Head of Mobile, MasterCard


Karen Webster, CEO Market Platform Dynamics and Editor in Chief,


For more information or to register please follow to Mobile Wallet Wars and Warriors

I'm attending. Hope to see you there.





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