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[job] Senior Python/Django developer for educational project

From: Leonardo S.
Sent on: Tuesday, September 2, 2014, 2:00 PM
Hi everyone!

Six Red Marbles is looking for a Senior Python/Django developer to join our development team here in Boston. We are looking for someone that can code yes, but also someone that can understand business requirements, translate them into technical requirements, and collaborate with the rest of the team to build a useful product.

This specific candidate will be working in one of our leading projects, Curriculum Insight (, a platform that gives teachers a voice through ratings and reviews of curriculum materials, while at the same time providing district administrators with insight that better help them manage their tight budgets.

We already have an initial version live being used by schools districts around the country, and now we are looking for a senior developer that can help us reach new heights with this platform.

Here at Six Red Marbles we care deeply about making tech a more inclusive and diverse place, so if you believe this person could be you, or if you have any additional questions, please reach out to me directly at [address removed]


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