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New Meeting: Summit Ave Hills

From: Jen
Sent on: Wednesday, March 19, 2008, 3:47 PM
Announcing a new meeting for The Boston Running Meetup Group!

What: Summit Ave Hills

When: Wednesday, March 26, 6:30 PM

Where: Click the link below to find out!

Who should come: Anyone who wants a nice challenging hill/stair run! Feel free to do as many/few loops with the group on the summit ave hill from each direction (comm ave and beacon st sides) and then up the stairs.

Why: Join because you will feel phenomenal after, and you can always treat yourself to ice cream!

Meeting Description: Hey guys,

We'll start at JP licks in Coolidge Corner, run up Harvard, to Comm ave, up that nice hill, then up summit ave, then down the side (it's less steep to save the knees a bit) then run up the Beacon St side, then repeat, and repeat and...well if you are Evan then maybe you will repeat 5 more times , but feel free to do as many or few loops as you like.

See you then!

Happy Running!


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