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Cary Bridge Meetup Group

From: Elaine
Sent on: Thursday, June 25, 2015, 1:05 PM

Will has so generously paid the Meetup fees all these years.  He is stepping down as Organizer, and has asked me to take over.

Many of you have already agreed to reimburse me for the Organizer's fee, which is due July 2.  I have paid it for 6 months.  The cost is $10 per person.  So please give the money for the Thursday/Friday night game to Jim Russell, and to me for the Saturday/Sunday group.

Look forward to seeing you around the bridge table.


This Meetup is community funded


Member dues are used to:
  • Cover Meetup costs
  • Have a reserve fund
  • Provide supplies or equipment
  • FYI: Payment of dues can be made here via credit/debit card OR in cash to the Meetup Organizer Jim Russell.

30 day free trial

No credit card required

After the trial you must pay dues to be a member of this Meetup.

Cancel dues at any time.

Dues are billed each year.

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