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New Meetup: No other Ideas for a Friday Night game

From: John L
Sent on: Thursday, May 27, 2010, 11:50 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for Bristol & South West Poker Group - sponsored by!

What: No other Ideas for a Friday Night game

When: Friday, May 28,[masked]:00 PM

Cross Hands Pub
1 Staple Hill Road Fishponds

8:00 pm start

This game will be hosted at

The Cross Hands Pub
1 Staple Hill Road
BS16 5AA

with Thomas Pancake aka John L as your Tournament Director.

The game is NLHE with a buyin of ?20

This game is NOT a leaderboard event as only 20 hours notice is being given

24 players maximum preferred but if we get more we will make room. 6 players minimum.

Starting stack will be a whopping 10,000 chips:-

The draw for seats will be made at 7.55pm, announcements will be made, then "shuffle up & deal" at 8.00 pm sharp (unless I am running late. I have a meeting planned for about 7 but amhoping it will be sooner and over pretty quick. If you're running late for whatever reason (traffic, whatever), make sure you call John [masked]). You can confirm your registration by phone up to 7.45 pm. We will allocate you a seat and blinds will be posted off until your arrival.

Blind Structure---Estimated Break---Length

5 min break
100/200 --------------------------------------20
150/300 -------------------------------------:20
200/400 -------------------------------------:20
5 min break
300/600 -------------------------------------:20
400/800 --------------------------------------:20
600/1200 ------------------------------------:20
5 min break
800/1600 ------------------------------------:20
1000/2000 ----------------------------------:20
1500/3000 ----------------------------------:20
5 min break
2000/4000 ----------------------------------:20
3000/6000 ----------------------------------:20
4000/8000 ---------------------------------- 20
5 min break
5000/10000 ---------------------------------20
6000/12000 ---------------------------------20
7000/14000 ---------------------------------20
10000/20000 -------------------------------20

The payout structure will be 9 or less - Top 2 paid
10-12 players - Top 3
13-20 players - Top 4
21+ players - top 5

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