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Moment of Death Training Workshop: registration is open. Starts June 21.

From: BFF of C.
Sent on: Friday, June 13, 2014, 9:23 PM

Moment of Death Training Weekend

With Founding Director of the Clear Light Society

Patricia Shelton

June 21st & 22nd

9am - 5pm

Mansfield Freeman Center for East Asian Studies

Cost: $200 for non-professionals, $275 for professionals

(nurse, doctor, graduate degree and beyond)

Registration Deadline: June 19th

We all have to face death at some point in our lives- death of our loved ones and the eventual end of our own lives. Even if you never use this practice with your loved ones, this workshop has the capacity to take you to profound depths, as it addresses not just the physical death of the body, but more importantly, the death of ego and the supreme opportunity of the moment of death. This non-sectarian practice may be personalized to the individual beliefs and traditions of you and your loved ones. It is extraordinarily inspiring and healing and will assuredly take your journey to a whole new level. For more information please visit

Due to the intimate nature of this event, space is extremely limited so please make your reservation soon.

If you would like more information on this weekend training event, please email its Coordinator at [address removed]

To learn more and to register, visit

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