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2013 Weeklong Retreat

From: Ryuoh Faulconer S.
Sent on: Wednesday, November 14, 2012, 11:37 AM

Dear Sangha and Friends,


I have just got finished with the update on the NONA retreat page. The 2012 retreat was held int he Pacific Northwest near Seattle. It was a wonderful retreat with a full house of participants. The 2013 retreat will be held in the New England area (New Hampshire). Please take a look at the page and download the registration form. Fill it out and send it in. Tell your friends about it. It may be early to be thinking of it but in actuallity it is the perfect time to start saving or making payments toward the retreat and to ask off for the time. It will creap up on you faster than you think. Take a look. Talk to me.


with Gassho,

Ryuoh Shonin