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New Meetup: Cashflow for Beginners - Wednesday 10/28 @ 6:30pm (Santa Ana)

From: Popi M.
Sent on: Saturday, October 24, 2009, 1:54 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for Orange County Cashflow Club!

What: Cashflow for Beginners - Wednesday 10/28 @ 6:30pm (Santa Ana)

When: October 28,[masked]:30 PM

Where: (A location has not been chosen yet.)

We'll be teaching new Cashflow players how to play the BEST game ever invented*! Non-beginners are also welcome to come and play as we will be seeing how many want to start playing Cashflow 202.

You will hear stories of how Cashflow helped some of the group members to start on their journey of successfully getting out of the Rat Race and how you can too...

If you think you've been a part of a great Cashflow group, I guarantee you haven't experienced anything like our group!

Join us for a great time and RSVP "Yes" today! Venue details will be provided upon RSVP. If RSVP'ing for friends, please provide their name and email address.

See you there!

*SEATING is LIMITED. Please RSVP early and arrive at least 10 minutes before the start to ensure a seat.

Learn more here: