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New Meetup: Charity Poker Run

From: user 1.
Sent on: Wednesday, September 29, 2010, 6:08 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for Central Florida Acts of Kindness!

What: Charity Poker Run

When: Saturday, October 30,[masked]:00 AM

Where: Chop Shop Sportsbar
1382 Howland Blvd.
deltona, FL 32738

I am organizing a poker run for 1 in 8 Foundation. We support early cancer detection. It is a motorcycle ride that makes different stops where the riders pick up cards. Best hand wins. At the end of the run there is fun, free food, raffles, 50/50, auction, and live music. The event starts at 9:30am, last bike out at 11am and last bike in at 2pm. Party is afterwards. Bikes are $10 and extra riders are $5.

I am looking for volunteers to help with this event before, during and after. They must be at least 21. I am also looking for anyone who wants to help make food. If you know any businesses that would like to donate items, gift certificates, money, anything please send them my way!

Thanks!!! We are going to have a blast!

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