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LI Atheists May Meetup (Reason Rally Planning)

From: Thomas S.
Sent on: Wednesday, May 4, 2016, 6:51 PM

Hey everyone,

While I am a co organizer with CFI LI, I am also an event organizer with the Long Island Atheists. At our last discussion group, a few of you wanted to meet regarding the Reason Rally which will be taking place one month from now.

Each month we at the Long Island Atheists have our monthly meetup at Panera Bread in Bohemia. It's usually a casual atmosphere where Atheists from all over the Island can get together and hang out. Saturday May 7th is when our next monthly meetup will be, and we will be a tad bit more formal. The main topic will be the Reason Rally.

While Bohemia may be far for a few of you I encourage you all to attend. I believe it's best for our local Atheist community to be united and organised when we arrive on the streets of Washington.

LI Atheists Monthly Meetup (MAY 7th 2016)

7:00-10:00 PM

Panera Bread, Bohemia

5191 Sunrise Hwy, Bohemia, NY 11716


(We’ll be located in the back room. Walk all the way to the back of Panera near the restrooms)



Thomas Sheedy