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Cleveland Film Festival Events - More Asst Organizers needed

From: Jims
Sent on: Sunday, February 24, 2008, 7:30 PM
Hi everyone

First of all, I would like to welcome new members Kitty (who made a great suggestion about the Palace Theater in Canton for Indy films) and Lydia. We hope to see you soon at an event.

On a sad note, Cindy has decided to step down as Assistant Organizer. She has been indispensable in helping arrange dinners and in just keeping things together. She says we will still see her from time to time.

With the increase in activity in seeing movies, we are looking for TWO (2) assistant organizers. It doesn't take that much time and it will allow us to continue to do movies on a regular basis. The position consists of helping plan events, look into ideas for future movies and be someone to bounce ideas off of. Please let me or Michael know if you would be willing to help. Thanks.

Also, we had a great event with Tyler and "Swedish Auto" at Talkies. The movie was quite good and we may try to movies there every once in a while.

Finally, the Cleveland International Film Festival is upon us. Tickets will become generally available in the next few days. If you have never been to the Festival, it is fairly communal. It is amazing how many people love foreign and independent films.

As Kay pointed out, there are many different movie themes, one of them being called "Its easy being green". If you are planning to attend a film, feel free to post the event for others to meet. This is in addition to the 3 events CIMG will be having over the 1 1/2 weeks.

And speaking of events, March 8, we will be seeing one or two films, depending on your preference. I hope you can make it.

If you have any other questions about the festival, please let me know.

Vivere / Time Crimes: Cleveland In?

Regards, Jim

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