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Pariah: at the Cedar Lee / Cedar Lee Pub - Feb. 7

From: Jims
Sent on: Tuesday, January 17, 2012, 10:09 PM

Hi everyone,

First of all, thanks for the amazing RSVP count for this Saturday (The Artist) and Sunday (Iron Lady).  Both events may break a previous record for attendance (Lars and the Real Girl and Black Swan both at 30).    Bill and Renu have done a fantastic job.  Please offer your thanks to both of them for their hard work.

Speaking of planning, on occasion, our dinners will not run smooth.  I suppose if we went to the same place every time, we would never have an issue.  But would that be any fun???

This past weekend, there were some minor issues with how the tip was calculated.  Don't forget that we are a Movie group who happens to like to eat so our organizers graciously make a reservation.   That is the extent of their responsibility.  Please remember that it is up to you to make sure that your bill is correct.

Please make every effort to show your appreciation to Bill, Renu, Michael, Cindy, Lynda and others the next time you are at an event, especially with the large number of attendees, things can go wrong. 

If you haven't paid your dues yet, please use PAYPAL or pay your organizer at the next event.  The cost is only $5!!!

This Thursday, don't miss Spiders at the Cinematheque.  It is an Indiana Jones silent film that promises to be enjoyable as Fritz Lang's other famous film, Metropolis.  The movie begins at 7PM.

Last of all, on Feb. 7, Tuesday, we will be seeing Pariah.  This movie about an inner-city girl who is discovering her sexual roots has won many awards. 

Having seen so many big films lately, this acclaimed film should be a welcome change.  Please don't miss it.  You should enjoy it quite a bit.


See you at a movie soon.  Jim

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