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Food / I Divo / O'Horten

From: Jims
Sent on: Monday, July 20, 2009, 7:22 PM
Hi everyone

I hope you are enjoying the summer. But sometimes we all have to come inside for something. We have some great movie choices coming up.

Wed.: Food, Inc. - This is the definitive movie about how food is prepared in our country. While it is a little scary, knowing what is in our food (and making the appropriate choices) is more important than not knowing. We will be meeting at the Stone Oven at 6:00 and ease on down to the Cedar Lee afterward.

Fri: Il Divo. This well-acclaimed Italian movie is about an Italian politician who is corrupted. It is told in a comedic way and no, it is not Jimmy Dimora. Dinner afterwards out on the patio at Guarinos is not to be missed.

Week from this Thursday. O'Horten is about an older gentleman who retires and realizes he has to rearrange his life. Expect many quirks as it is a highly anticipated Norwegian film. We will meet at Taste ahead of time for an excellent dinner. Keep your eye out as this movie's debut is a bit uncertain at this time.

Finally, we are looking for several more organizers. It is really easy and especially if you have a interest in movies or food, we would really appreciate your help. Please let me know.

One other note: Cinema on the Square is coming up in August. Take a look at their website. The group will be seeing Breakfast at Tiffany's but we might add a few more as we get closer to the date.

Have a great day and see you at the movies.


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