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(1) of (3): Swappo de Mayo: Potrero Hill Neighborhood House

From: Suzanne
Sent on: Wednesday, April 28, 2010, 8:36 AM
Announcing a new Meetup for Clothing Swap!

What: Swappo de Mayo: Potrero Hill Neighborhood House

When: Sunday, May 2,[masked]:00 PM

$20.00/Advance pre-registration by midnight May 1st
$25.00/At the Door

Save $5 with discount code: MEETUP2

Potrero Hill Neighborhood House
953 De Haro
San Francisco, CA 94107

Women have been requesting a swap on a Sunday afternoon (for Teen girls, Moms), as well as Girl's Night-Out-Style Clothing Swap (21+) in both the East Bay and San Francisco so I am trying to accommodate our meetup group by hosting a series of "Swappo de Mayo" mexican fiesta theme Clothing Swaps on May 2nd, 3rd & 4th.

You will receive (3) emails in a row since there are (3) separate Swappo de Mayo events. Each swap event has specific details (venue, timing, admission, charity, etc) so read check out which one(s) will best suit your needs, and let's get ready to refresh our wardrobes this Spring!

This email is for Swappo de Mayo on Sunday May 2nd (2-5pm)There will be an area for women's items, as well as children's clothing, toys and books to swap. All items must be in very good condition. We recommend carpooling and street parking is pretty easy.

Click here for Details & to Pre-Register
Pre-Register online by midnight May 1st and save $5 with this discount code: MEETUP2

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