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This Saturday - Grass Volleyball Tournament!

From: Mike R.
Sent on: Wednesday, September 16, 2015, 11:51 AM
Join us this Saturday (9/19)!


Sponsored by Solana Cherry Creek
THIS Saturday, September 19th
Format: Coed Rotating Pairs
$15 per player ($30 for a team of 2)
Get Full Details and Register Here
Skill level B and above


What is rotating pairs? You stick with your COED teammate throughout the whole day, but you will play with & against every pair in your pool.

You will be playing 4v4 every game.

Each pair will be assigned to a net of 4 other pairs. After each pair has played through the pool (with and against the other 4 pairs), all pairs will be re-assigned a new net based on their performance. At this point, each net will have a new pool of 5. The top pair from each pool will be crowned a champion of their division!

Prizes for the winner of each net!  Tournament will run from 10 AM to approximately 2:30 PM.

Save Your Spot Now!
Call or Text Mike at[masked] with any questions!

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