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Meetup Alert - from Preston

From: Preston
Sent on: Tuesday, March 30, 2010, 9:56 AM
Hey everyone,

Just want to let you know about a gig coming up this weekend.

If you can get out of town this Friday, check out Ellynne Plotnick in Stamford, CT.
As many of you know, Ellynne has a great voice and is one of the most gifted jazz musicians I've seen in the group. She'll be performing with pianist Joe McWilliams. Here are the details:
Ellynne Plotnick (vox) & Joe McWilliams (pno)
Jazz duo performance - Friday April 2nd @ 7:30 - 11:00pm
The Sundance Cafe & Wine Bar
105 Broad St.
Downtown Stamford, CT

No Cover/Min.
They have dinner, wines, tapas, fondue, and a rather extensive menu.

Check it out!


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