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New Event: Ladies and 80's Dance Till You Drop Daniel St. Milford 1/18

From: Bill O.
Sent on: Thursday, January 10, 2008, 10:16 PM
Announcing a new event for The Connecticut 20s and 30s Social & Singles Group!

What: Ladies and 80's Dance Till You Drop Daniel St. Milford 1/18

When: Friday, January 18, 8:00 PM

Where: Click the link below to find out!

Who should come: Ladies of course and anyone who wants to have a fun night out with great 80s and 90s music.

Why: Meet others from the group, dance till you drop (if you wish), have some drinks and enjoy the night

Event Description: Everyone come out for a fun night of dancing, entertainment, and good people.

Ladies and 80's Night at Daniel St Club!
21 Daniel St
Milford, CT
Friday January 18

DJ RE Spinning 80s, 90s, Dance and a toch of todays hits.

$2 Bud Light for everyone from 8-10
2 for 1 Drinks for ladies from 8-10

I am not positive if there is a cover charge or not. It doesnt say but usually its $5 or so which also will get you in across the street at Stonebridge. There are also other bars nearby with no cover that we can hop around to. SBC, Archie Moores, Citrus.

I will start the event for 8pm since the drink specials start at 8, but I will not be able to get there until later on probably 930 or 10 but feel free to start the night early and get the party going.

Any questions let me know.


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