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RE: [consciousness-79] announcing a new spiritual healing meetup group

From: user 2.
Sent on: Wednesday, October 17, 2007, 9:59 AM

Hi I am interested in going to your meeting I but do not know where it is.


Please send me any information of the location or tell me how to get the information.
          Thank you,  Fern

From: [address removed]
To: [address removed]
Subject: [consciousness-79] announcing a new spiritual healing meetup group
Date: Mon, 15 Oct[masked]:00:26 -0400

If you live anywhere in or near Los Angeles, please consider joining my (Free) healing group
   Healing the Collective Shadow..
   Reclaiming our Planetary Soul
Also, if you know of or can personally provide a large comfy space (with lots of chairs) that we can do this healing work in (that will in turn be blessed by this energy), please contact me (I want to have our first group healing this month, October 27th - a Saturday, at 7 PM).
Since I am freely offering this healing work to everyone as a "Service" to the planet, the space will have to be available "Rent Free". David
P.S. Pass this email on to your friends.

Meetup in the Making
Located in the Greater
Los Angeles Area


   Announcing My New Spirituality Meetup Group !

We are living in critical times... some would even say the "End Times". As a response to the heart felt prayer "What can I do to to help?" this meetup group has been formed, and is a call out to all those who hope and believe that "Together, We Can Make a Difference!"

In these gatherings, I shall facilitate and hold a sacred spiritual energetic space that will - with everyone's participation, powerfully shine a transformational healing light upon aspects of our individual and collective "Planetary Shadow".

All those who show up for these meetup events are agreeing to be acted upon as conduits for this unique spiritual energetic work. Everyone - no matter what your belief system or spiritual accomplishment - is encouraged to attend (all brave hearts and open minds are welcome).

As a service to Planet Earth and ALL upon her, Group Healings and/or Transmissions of these "particular" energies are freely offered to everyone.

This meetup group promises to be Enlightening, Empowering, Provocative and Profound. If you truly want to "make a difference", this is the group for you!

More info on David and his work may be found at

Organized by yours truly:


Peace & Blessings - Love & Light
David Raphael Isaacson

W W W . S P I R I T P O R T A L . O R G

Spiritual Healing Temple - Home Portal

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