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Our Illustrator meeting is fast approaching!

From: Sally C.
Sent on: Friday, August 20, 2010, 9:13 AM
Hey guys! Happy Friday!
Are you following us on Twitter? twitter@csaug

Steve and I just returned from Flash in the City, and are ramping up for our next meeting, slated for September 7. Our topic is "Illustrator In Depth" and we are excited to share some details with you.

Since we are avid Illustrator users, we'll be sharing some of our tips to get the most out of the features, by working with real-world projects. If you have project suggestions you would like to see us tackle, we want to hear from you!

On our agenda:
? print ads turned into web banners
? simple logo creation with the ShapeBuilder Tool
? creating vector art from sketches via Live Trace
? drawing in perspective
? quick tips for creating virtual goods

We need a sponsor for our September meeting!We want to be able to provide food for our members, but we can't do it alone. We need someone to step up and offer to buy pizza! Contact Steve or I directly if you are willing and able to do this, please!

Finally, join our friend, Mordy Golding, online on Fridays at 11 am Pacific Time for "Fridays with Mordy". He tackles Illustrator topics and today, he is covering perspective drawing and giving away a copy of his latest book, "Real World Illustrator CS5". Check it out, you won't be disappointed, and we will be there as well.

See you in a few weeks!

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