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An Evening with Colin Smith of Photoshop Cafe!

From: Sally C.
Sent on: Thursday, November 29, 2012, 9:10 AM

I am delighted to announce we are partnering with Bay Area Photography and Adobe Photoshop UG to present  "An Evening with Colin Smith", my friend and the creator of

Colin is known around the world for his stunning HDR photography, and his Photoshop/Lightroom training DVDs, among other things. He is an excellent presenter and we are very fortunate to have him join us for an evening.

Tickets are $10 and include one raffle ticket - we will be raffling off many prizes, including a copy of Creative Suite 6, Adobe shirts, training DVDs and much more.

Pizza and sodas will be provided. Free Parking.

Learn more and register here:

Don't miss this exciting event!


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