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Fw: Tony LaRussa's Animals On Broadway Event

From: macy m.
Sent on: Saturday, May 16, 2015, 5:13 PM

Need Something Fun to Do on Sunday May 17? 

Do you own a furry baby of any kind or species? You are invited to Tony La Russa's Animals on Broadway in Walnut Creek ! The Diva Doggie herself, Zoey and her new LITTLE brother, the 6 month-old Korean Jindo, Milo, will be there representing my new endeavor, Four Paws Leathers .
Macy Maris
[address removed] (cellphone[masked])

Woof-Woof; Have a Pawfect day!Quote of the Day: "Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened. Life is about making memories and in the end, that is all we have." Keep those memories close."  


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