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From: user 3.
Sent on: Wednesday, June 25, 2008, 11:42 PM

I want you to BE OUR GUEST...


For the month of July I am planning speakers in the Graphic Design industry to inspire, educate, and motivate our GD students.

We would like for you to come and speak about your current position/title or a past GD career.


If you are INTERESTED and available Mon, Tues, or Wed nights after 6pm during the month of July - please respond before June 30th!!

This will be an EXCITING and WONDERFUL way to reach one - teach one for the Westwood GD Students.


Please contact me as soon as possible so that we can schedule your time.

We look forward to your presence.... TTYS!



Idora Caldwell

GD/Externship Instructor

Westwood School of Design

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HOW ARE WE DOING? Take this short survey and TELL US!!


Caldwell Creative - Marketing & Design

Idora Caldwell

Creative Director/Designer


[masked] FAX

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"Your Ideas Into Great Designs"


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