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New Meetup: Salsa I - Intro to Salsa Dancing

From: Dora
Sent on: Monday, February 1, 2010, 12:10 AM
Announcing a new Meetup for The Schaumburg Social Dance Meetup!

What: Salsa I - Intro to Salsa Dancing

When: Monday, February 15,[masked]:00 PM

Studio Viva!
41 E Northwest Hwy
Palatine, IL 60067

Salsa for Beginners
Learn the hottest Latin dance from Chicagoland's best instructors! In this introductory 4-week course you will learn everything you need to get on your way to becoming a great dancer -- posture, connection, footwork and body movement, as well as turns. Basic is just the beginning!
You will be amazed at our accurate instruction, our clear explanation and our attention to detail ? all that has to do with YOU!

PRE-REGISTRATION IS MANDATORY FOR THIS CLASS - please pre-register (see information below)

ATTIRE: The most important piece is the shoes: please BRING a pair that is leather sole or smooth soled, as winter footwear is not suitable for the dance floor, as it grips the floor. Also, we are also trying to keep our floor dry and clean. Thank you for working with us on this!

Fee: $60/4-week session OR you can use your 10-class pass (for more information or to sign up online, please go to

Learn more here:

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