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slackpacking trip interest for March 2013

From: Kelly
Sent on: Sunday, January 20, 2013, 4:21 PM

Hello, I really want to go back to the southern part of SNP and slackpack.   I love it there.  I want to go possibly the weekend of March 26th .  THIS WOULD BE ABOUT 3.5 HOUR drive one way  FOR DC PEOPLE.  NOT SURE IF ANYONE WOULD TRAVEL THAT FAR.  THIS IS LOW MILES BUT A GREAT TRIP.  I can drive people if you can get to central Virginia.  I live off of Route 29 between DC and Charlottesville.  I will post if there is interest.


My INITIAL PLAN  would be:

On Friday nite drive to the Park at Dundo Picnic grounds and backpack about 1.5 miles to the summit. (at night)   There is a really good camping spot on the summit that could fit maybe 3-4 tents.  You can see the sunset and in the morning see the sun rise.  There is also a shelter that is further south, not far and there we can have a fire if people would rather do that.  We will leave our stuff and day hike Saturday.  Return and camp on Saturday nite.

On Saturday hike down and day hike  Doyles River Trail....I have seen bear on that tail.  We can just play around that area.

I would like at least 2 other people who would like to go.  I would make this trip really small numbers.

Email or post if interested or w questions.












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