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New Meetup: The inaugural (and likely only) "Genuflecting to Kelly" dayhike

From: user 7.
Sent on: Sunday, May 10, 2009, 8:26 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for The Washington Backpackers Meetup Group!

What: The inaugural (and probably only) "Genuflecting to Kelly" dayhike

When: May 31,[masked]:00 AM

Where: (A location has not been chosen yet.)

Meetup Description: Hello fellow hikers!

If you're around May 31 and looking for a fun bit o' exercise, please join me for a 12-mile hike on Overall Run/Heiskell Hollow Trails in the ever wonderful Shenandoah National Forest.

The hike is somewhat strenuous, or so says the dude who penned it, with about 5,500 feet of elevation change in the 12 miles. But we'll be taking it fairly easy with a moderate pace and stopping for a dip in one of the hiker pools along the way, so bring/wear something to swim in. We'll lunch at the same time for those who enjoy a mid-hike repast.

The hike is described as a "secluded, protected and accessible area of rugged, forested and stream-laced mountains; abundant flora and fauna, lightly used trails, vista rich overlooks and rock pools that welcome a hiker's body and spirit."

Sounds pretty good to me! Hope the dude wasn't on acid or something when he hiked it and all that stuff is really there!

I'm setting the RSVP limit on this 15. So you can only RSVP for the wait list right now, and I'll move those folks who haven't no-showed or who don't have a habit of canceling last minute to yes. And since the limit is, well, limited, this is members only, no guests, unless there is still space on May 26 (since the RSVP deadline is May 27).

Okay Kelly, how'd I do?


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