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[ANNC] Eric Evans will be speaking at QCON NYC in June!

From: Steve B.
Sent on: Thursday, April 17, 2014, 10:11 AM


We wanted to share an update re: the QCON NYC Conference to let you know that we've just learned that Eric Evans will be speaking at the conference (see

Just a reminder: DDDNYC users get an additional $100 off the registration price if responding before 4/19 (see below for details).  Although we've sent this same announcement out prior, we're reproducing it here with this new information about Eric so that people don't have to rummage through their inboxes to search for the details a second time. :)

***begin annc***

The 3rd annual QCon New York will feature over 100 speakers across 15 tracks covering topics like Java, Big Data, Agile, Cloud, HTML5, Mobile, Architecture, and more. We are waiting for over 600 attendees this year.

You can receive an additional $100 off the ticket price if you use “domaindriven100 “when registering for the conference. Save $500 before Apr 19th!

This year we'll have 3 tracks dedicated to Architecture and Big Data Systems: Software Architecture Improvements ( ), Architectures you’ve always wondered about ( ) & Modern Big Data Systems ( ).

Some of the speakers in the Architecture and Big Data Systems related tracks: Yoni Goldberg- Lead Software Engineer at Gilt; Michael Feathers -Author of Working Effectively with Legacy Code; Raymond Blum- Data integrity obsessed Site Reliability Engineer @ Google; Rajeev Borborah , Matthew Wilson Sr. Director of Engineering, Couchbase-- WebMD Director of Web Ops, Couchbase; Ian Robinson Wrote the book and leading database on Graph databases and more.

Looking forward to meeting you at QCon New York 2014!

***end annc***

Hope to see you there!

-The DDDNYC Organizing Team

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