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One Day Mongo Conference

From: Daniel G.
Sent on: Thursday, December 29, 2011, 2:47 PM
Hello folks,

Although not directly Clojure related we're all fans of non-relational stores so I figured I'd pass this on to the group.


Hi all:

Thought that you might be interested in knowing about Mongo Boulder, a one-day conference dedicated to MongoDB, to you on Febuary 1st.  OpenShift will be sponsoring the event and we are still looking for some great talks for those that are interested in speaking.  To submit a proposal please go to -

Tickets are on sale now and for those of you that are apart of the group we are offering a 25% off discount with the code "MUG."

Looking forward to seeing everyone there,

Samantha Kosko
Field Marketing Manager @ 10gen, The MongoDB Company
Twitter: @sam_10gen
We are hiring! 

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