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New Meetup: Discussion on Foundational Concepts in Hellenistic Astrology

From: Chris B.
Sent on: Thursday, July 9, 2009, 9:55 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for The Horoscopic Astrology Group in Denver!

What: Discussion on Foundational Concepts in Hellenistic Astrology

When: July 11,[masked]:00 PM

optional donation: $3-5 per person

The Mercury Cafe
2199 California Street
Denver, CO 80205

This meeting will focus on a recent translation of an astrological text from the 3rd century that was written by the Neoplatonic philosopher and astrologer Porphyry of Tyre. This text, known as the Introduction, was recently translated from ancient Greek into English by Andrea Gehrz, and it defines important astrological concepts from the Hellenistic tradition of astrology.

While many of the concepts contained in the text are precursors to concepts still used in modern astrology, there are also a number of important ideas and techniques that are somewhat foreign to contemporary astrological practice.

Join us to read and discuss selected passages from the forthcoming translation of this text, and learn how these concepts can be put into useful practice today.

Suggested donation

There is a suggested donation of $3-5 for the meeting. The suggested donation is optional and is requested only in order to make up for the monthly fee charged by for hosting our group's site. Any additional money collected past that will go towards paying future speakers. Please come join us for the meeting and share your thoughts with us regardless of whether or not you can pay the suggested donation.

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