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[Denver Book Club] Our August 23 Meetup

From: Judah F.
Sent on: Thursday, August 16, 2007, 6:37 AM
Hey Everybody --

Three quickies:

1) I discovered that we had two listings for the August Meetup on the calendar, and some of you had RSVP'd twice or only on the duplicate calendar listings. So, I've deleted the duplicate listing and migrated all the RSVPs to the main listing. If you received an email from about your RSVP changing, that's why. I was simply consolidating the RSVPs to get a better picture of who's coming next week to talk about Blink by Malcolm Gladwell. REMEMBER: You do not need to read all or any of a book to come to the Meetup because our first goal is meeting one another and enjoying good conversation. If you have not done so already, please RSVP today at

2) We've chosen our September fiction book. With 27 of us having voted when the poll closed yesterday on August 15, the winner by one vote is the Tropic of Cancer by Henry Miller. The two runners up will remain on the poll for our November fiction selection, and nominations are now being accepted by posting yur suggestions to the group email list (just click reply).

3) Please vote on the October nonfiction selection. With 14 votes so far, the current leader by only two votes is Mastery of Love by Don Miguel Ruiz. Please let your voice be heard at

I'm looking forward to seeing you next Thursday at 7 PM in the Denver Press Club!

-- Judah

Judah Freed, organizer
Denver Book Club Meetup

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