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Moving On: PDA/DFA Working Group tomorrow evening

From: Mike T.
Sent on: Tuesday, August 20, 2013, 9:33 PM

Moving on



Now, given that Republicans already have had strategic meetings regarding a mayoral election, it is important that we move forward as well. Join us tomorrow (Wednesday 8/20) evening 7:00PM  at Coco'sas we strategize the future.


Whether we individually support Bob Filner or not, If we do not have a contingency plan we only play int the hands of Republicans and other non-Progressives that have been circling and preparing.  Two women potential candidates have been discussed to get the media conversation away from Todd and Kevin.  Who else?  At this point in time, it isn't as important that we discuss if Bob stays in office or who exactly replaces him.  The important thing is to frame the conversation so that we can do what we can to preserve Progressivism in the Mayor's Office.  Let's  be ready!


Wednesday, August 20.  7:00PM


7398 Clairemont Mesa Blvd
San Diego





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