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*** WEDNESDAY MAY 27@4:30PM From: Masada Disenhouse - <[address removed]> ACTION TO STOP THE TPP ~ the Trans-Pacific Partnership - NEAR YOU NEXT WEEK! >Where: Scripps Institution of Oceanography,622 Kennel Way, -- La Jolla, CA

From: Carol C.
Sent on: Saturday, May 23, 2015, 4:03 PM


Congress is debating whether to fast track approval of the Trans-Pacific Partnership -- a massive new trade deal that would undermine climate action and attack workers' rights.

Opposition to the TPP is growing, and this deal will be decided by just a handful of votes in the House of Representatives. Representative Scott Peters still hasn't taken a stand on the TPP. It will be close, sohis vote really matters in this fight, and this week we're holding a rally to tell him that the climate movement opposes the TPP, and that he needs to vote no.

Can you join us to tell Rep. Peters to say no to the Trans-Pacific Partnership? Click here to RSVP:

Here are the details:

What: The climate movement says no to the TPP!
When: Wednesday, May 27, 4:30 PM 
Where: Scripps Institution of Oceanography -- 622 Kennel Way, La Jolla, CA 92037

The Trans-Pacific Partnership will make fighting climate change much harder. It would allow multinational fossil fuel corporations to sue governments that take action on climate change, and rubber-stamps new fracked-gas export facilities that would make Big Oil billions.

Basically, it's a corporate power grab that threatens our democracy and climate. Fortunately a lot of folks are coming to the same conclusion and stepping up to oppose the TPP. We need Rep. Petersto do the same -- and that means making sure he knows there are folks mobilized in their district who expect them to reject the TPP.

Can you join us at the action to tell  Rep. Peters to say no to TPP? You can RSVP here:





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