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New Meetup: Can you BE 1 in March?

From: user 1.
Sent on: Wednesday, February 25, 2009, 10:57 AM
Announcing a new Meetup for Greater Kansas City Democracy for America!

What: Can you BE 1 in March?

When: March 4,[masked]:00 PM

Where: Click the link below to find out!

Meetup Description: You sure can! And Airick will show you how!

?Be 1 of 100,000? is a project shaped by KC School Board member Airick West, to help Kansas City kids. Last month Airick was scheduled to talk with us about his ?Be 1 of 100,000? program, but due to conflicts and transportation problems he was unable to make it. As it works out, that is probably a blessing; for he will not have to share the stage with anyone this coming Wednesday. This will allow him the time he needs to thoroughly explain this program.

This is a rather unique program in that; Airick has chosen not to build a brand new bureaucratic structure to tailor a children?s mentoring program. Instead he is taking advantage of the half dozen or so organizations already in this business. By promoting and coordinating cooperation between these organizations a program is being forged where we all can find a place to fit in and help out.

In Airick?s outline of his ?Be 1? program, he will show how adult involvement helped him navigate the perils of growing up and how it is helping kids today. Somehow in his talk, I suspect, he will show you how you can become a part of this project and start changing lives, one kid at a time.

Hope to see you there: Wednesday, March 4th, 7:00 PM
Californos, 4124 Pennsylvania, KC. Mo. 64111

Take Care

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