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Meetup details changed: The Daly City Dungeons & Dragons June Meeting

From: James C.
Sent on: Thursday, June 12, 2008, 10:00 PM
Hi folks!

We're still looking for a venue but we tentatively have Bill's house. Since he didn't post to me where that exactly is I'm changing our venue back to Serramonte food court near the fireplace again, so we can meet up there and then proceed to whereever the meetup will actually take place.

If anybody has any better ideas please contact me.


I've updated this Meetup. For more details, see the full listing:

When: June 15,[masked]:00 PM

Where: Serramonte Shopping Center
Serramonte Ave
Daly City, CA 94015

If the changes affect your plans to attend, please take a moment to update your RSVP. (You can RSVP "No" or "Maybe" as well as "Yes".)

You can always get in touch with me through the "Contact Organizer" link on Meetup:

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