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Halloween Party Thank you's from Kenway and Drinking With Strangers...

From: Member ID: #.
Sent on: Sunday, November 1, 2009, 12:22 PM
Dear Strangers,

Last night was a lot of fun, Randy, Nams, Sean and I just finished cleaning up at the castle, taking down the lights, stage, tablesm chairs and packing our cars (3+hours of hangover fun!) lol.

We haven't had a chance to update our numbers yet, but I am sure we were in the 500's with the castle owners many personal guests. I sincerely hope you all had a great time, I was very pleased with the event myself, of course there were things we coulda done better, but there always are. I am truly sorry about the shuttle wait, we ordered so many, but were told that Hollywood was just packed at the end of the night, your patience was appreciated. Richard Blade was awesome, the upper level sound system with Jorge's mix was also great and the free Teteo Tequila was great as well. I hope everyone enjoyed the mixers that Sean and Nams were handing out in the dancefloor, I did. I also want to send a shout out to Katie M, Sylvia, Beth, Amber, Eric, Hiroshi, Doug for their help setting up and maning the front gate. Gary from Boogaloo's in Hermosa also Hooked us up with some awesome taco's and drink speicals,, thanks Gary.

So please leave positive comments and upload pictures, I have opened 2 extra folders for pics, the first already has 74, but the other two have room for 99 each:

Thanks again and I will look forward to seeing you all soon.

Drinking with Strangers