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Meetup site maintenance

From: Deborah B.
Sent on: Sunday, February 7, 2016, 3:11 PM

Our drum community stepped up to the plate.

Many thanks go out to all who contributed to keeping the site going. A special thankyou to Jim, Daniel & Kiona who stepped above and beyond. It is a reminder of why this site is important.

We need to recognize that we are the first connection to drumming that many people have.

Lets make sure that we do our best to represent the Edmonton drumming community by showing support to all new members and sharing our stories and joyful celebrations.

Be sure to RSVP for events and circles. It not only lets the facilitators know how many are attending, it also lets newcomers and the rest of the community know what to expect.

Leave a comment of encouragement or leave a comment for suggestions.

Update your profile and fill in the questionaire. It helps the group to get to know you a bit.

Thanks everyone!

Yours in musical merriment

Deborah Bortscher