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John Lawson Presents a Free eBay Seller Webinar – “Going Social: 5 Easy Steps To Build And Maintain Your Ecommerce Social Media Program”

From: Chris T.
Sent on: Thursday, May 3, 2012, 2:31 PM

Are you ready to start a social media program for your business? Or have you started using social media but you are not satisfied with the results? Social media provides tools that can transform your small business but what is the secret?

You will learn the five basic components of a social media program and how they work together to capture and convert more sales. You can use this process to build your social media presence and maintain it as you gain experience with social media and the tools available to you.

In this power packed webinar, you will learn:

-    How to harness the power of social media to achieve your business goals
-    The building blocks of a successful social media program for any size business
-    How social media is different from traditional marketing
-    Guidelines for choosing the best social media sites for your business
-    Where to find hidden conversations about your business or products online
-    Why you need a social media management plan and what goes into it
-  How to measure your social media success in meaningful ways

Presented by John Lawson, an ecommerce business CEO, keynote speaker, award-winning social media strategist, and an American Express “Featured Business.” John was also voted #1 Savviest in Social Media by StartupNation.

Participants will also be able to ask questions throughout the presentation. The webinar is for eBay sellers of all sizes and levels.

When:  Thursday, May 17, 2012, at 5:00 p.m. PT / 8:00 p.m. ET (Registrants will receive a link to the webinar recording afterwards so sign up even if you can't attend live.)

Where:  Register at

Page Mage Inc. along with eBay Radio, Outright, and Terapeak host this free monthly webinar series for eBay® sellers.

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