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Happy Holidays and 2014 Meetups!

From: Chris T.
Sent on: Friday, December 20, 2013, 4:48 PM

Hi everyone,

Most importantly I want to wish all of you a great holiday season! I hope it's been successful on the selling front and happy on the family front.

I want to thank all of you for being a part of our group. It's through each of you that our group really creates the greatest value. We started the year at 455 members and are now over 830!

We've already got our first three events planned for 2014. As always, I encourage you to sign up early to avoid a waiting list. Upcoming:

JANUARY - If you're curious about social media marketing and how it might help grow your business, or have started doing it but want to do more, our own Sandi Garcia is just the one to teach you. Learn more or signup here:

FEBRUARY - Danni Ackerman (The Danni App) will be joining us on Feb. 11th to talk about the keys to eBay success. We're finalizing the venue now and will be posting all the information soon.

MARCH - eBay's own Griff will be presenting "How to Shoot Like a Pro", a fantastic session to help all of us learn how to take better pictures. I haven't sent out an announcement yet but it is posted. Learn more or signup here:

Again, Happy Holidays! See you next year.


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